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pair comparison中文是什么意思

用"pair comparison"造句"pair comparison"怎么读"pair comparison" in a sentence


  • 配对比较


  • Sensory analysis . methodology . paired comparison test
  • Sensory analysis method - paired comparison test
  • Sensory testing methods - paired comparison test
  • Sensory analysis method - paired comparison test
  • Blind - paired comparison testing
  • Paired comparison method
  • How the method of paired comparison is applied to psychological and educational researches
  • Household high - fidelity audio equipment and systems - methods of measuring and specifying the performance - part 5 : loudspeaker - supplement 1 : listening tests on loudspeakers - single stimulus ratings and paired comparisons ; iec tr 61305 - 6 : 2005
  • Through a series of interactive paired comparisons for a given set of elements , which were mixtures of forest public goods and services , private goods possessing market value , and sums of money , the importance levels and preferences were ranked , and the relative monetary values were evaluated
  • In this paper , the author established the model of objective evaluate parameters of sound quality and develope d an objective evaluation system which could give quantitative objective evaluate parameters , such as loudness , sharpness , roughness , psychoacoustics annoyance ( pa ) etc . paper also describes an subjective evaluation investigation ir " " hich 16 subjects used pair comparison statistical evaluation methods to evaluate the noise character of room air - conditioners , the results show that there is generality good agreement between quantitative objective evaluate sound quality parameters and subjective evaluation . at the same time an example of application of the technique to improve the noise character of room air - conditioner is offered
    此外本文还介绍了一个应用声质量评价技术改进kfr - 50hw / e2d空调器声质量的实例,通过对空调器室外机管系、导流罩、出风网等进行改进,空调器的声质量得到了明显改善:在室外风量提高164m ~ 3 / h情况下,声音响度下降16 ,波动强度明显改善,尖锐度指标也略有下降,作者同时总结了不同改进措施对产品声质量影响的方式,以期为今后的声质量改进提供借鉴。
用"pair comparison"造句  
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